Your policies and procedures are essential guideposts for your organization. They outline your credit appetite, identify your target market, and explain how you go about the complicated business of community development lending. Yet developing and updating them is never a top priority. For over five years, High Impact has helped develop and redesign lending policies and procedures for a diverse range of mission-focused lenders. Our expertise ensures the design of a working document that can be easily amended as your organization evolves.
Industry-Level Perspective
High Impact knows community development lending. We have reviewed and advised on policies and procedures for a wide variety of mission-focused lenders and are experienced in policy guides published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and other traditional financial institution regulators. We use our industry-level perspective to help you identify policy areas that you could improve, and best practices to adopt.
High Value Services
We adjust our services to meet your needs. Newer lenders might want to maintain broad, flexible policies. More seasoned lenders may want to fine tune the particulars of collateral adequacy. Regardless of your needs, we will adapt to meet them. All of our clients benefit from our clear writing style and attention to detail.
High Impact knows community development lending. We have reviewed and advised on policies and procedures for a wide variety of mission-focused lenders and are experienced in policy guides published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and other traditional financial institution regulators. We use our industry-level perspective to help you identify policy areas that you could improve, and best practices to adopt.
High Value Services
We adjust our services to meet your needs. Newer lenders might want to maintain broad, flexible policies. More seasoned lenders may want to fine tune the particulars of collateral adequacy. Regardless of your needs, we will adapt to meet them. All of our clients benefit from our clear writing style and attention to detail.
Let High Impact take policies and procedures off of your 'To Do' list.
Email us to learn more.
Email us to learn more.